Farmwire aims to completely automate all the farming practices equipped with advanced software and hardware. It’s meant for every stage of the agricultural process, including finding the best crop configuration for the particular field, sowing of seeds, irrigation, crop monitoring, spraying, etc. Farmwire will bring a technological revolution in the field of agriculture which would make the most optimal and sustainable use of all the available resources, hence increasing the efficiency of production and maximizing the profits in a very economical manner.
Agriculture is the most important sector of the Indian Economy. The Indian agriculture sector accounts for 14.39 percent of India's gross domestic product (GDP) that is 1,842,873 Crore Rupees which projects the fact that the industry has great potential if planned and managed by a centralized intelligent system to find the best possible crop configuration based on various variables which can project maximum profit with minimal use of resources and proper planning at every stage.
Why Farmwire?

1. To research and develop an efficient methodology for automated farming
2. To automate the industry of large scale agriculture
3. To bring down the overall water consumption in agriculture
4. Creating an open-source collaborative centralized data resource center so that everyone can access the research
5. To make optimal use of resources using big data
6. To maximize the profit
Farmwire is be divided into four units :
(FCS - Farmwire Collaborative Software) : Used to determine the best possible crop configuration, reports, and predictions like water consumption, fertilizer usage, potential pesticide usage, electricity, etc, concluding to estimate net profit and attempting to maximize it. It will be used as an internal tool initially but could be published to be used as an ultimate place for a farmer to visit and access user data. It can also be used to coordinate the entire crop yield in the nation.
(FAH - Farmwire Automation Hardware)
2.1 Central Module
2.2 Locomotors
2.1 Central Module is the actual device that controls and coordinates the cultivation, equipped with mechanical tools, seeder, weeder, water sprinklers camera, gyroscope, and various other sensors performing each and every farming process while constantly communicating with the FAS.
2.2 Core of farmwire has always been automation, FLH (Farmwire locomotion Hardware) is designed to make the central module travel all over the field, planned for lands in the magnitude of hectares while its key feature being inexpensive.
Automation Software (FCC- Farmwire )
It is the software that goes along with the hardware to control and optimize it. It performs tasks like calculation of catenary equations with an end effector and controlling motors accordingly, distributing water along the carriers to maintain the center of gravity, maintaining all the databases like the position of each plant on the field, water, and other resources provided to plant; other soil features like pH and moisture, pictures of each plant are recorded on a daily basis while constantly communicating with Central Module and providing necessary instructions.
AI module
● Soil and field analysis – After getting precise 3D maps for soil, planting can be planned, and nutrient status can be analyzed for further operations.
● Crop spraying – Basic module™ on the basis of data from AI module™ which can scan the ground and spray the correct amount of liquid, modulating distance from the ground and spraying in real time for even coverage.
● Crop monitoring – Time-series animations can show the precise development of a crop and reveal production inefficiencies, enabling better crop management.
● Irrigation – AI module™ with hyperspectral, multispectral, or thermal sensors can identify which parts of a field are dry or need improvements and make Basic module™ act accordingly.
● Health assessment – By scanning a crop using both visible and near-infrared light, AI module™ can identify which plants reflect different amounts of green light and NIR light. This information can produce multispectral images that track changes in plants and indicate their health.
A wealth of raw data to activate analytical models for agriculture. In supporting precision farming, AI module™ can do soil health scans, monitor crop health, assist in planning irrigation schedules, apply fertilizers, estimate yield data and provide valuable data for weather analysis. Data collected through AI module™ combined with other data sources and analytic solutions provide actionable information.

v1.0 [Software-(completed)] With v1.0, we’ve successfully made a system that can assist determine the best crop which can be grown for 647 major Districts, Cities, and Towns based on past 14 years worth of data, taking into consideration 14 distinct features, determining the crop placement(layout) on a field for maximum profitability.
[Hardware-(planned and ready to be implemented)] With v1.0, we aim to make the hardware being capable of sowing seeds and irrigation, providing the same results as drip irrigation which is proven to be 52% more effective with water consumption and provides 42% more yield while eliminating the drawbacks associated with drip irrigation and by optimally sowing seeds decreasing the chances of seeds not germinating
v1.1 New central module will be built with all the sensors and technology needed to keep in check for any weeds, pests, diseases, and other issues that may arise within a cropping cycle; it will initially focus on collecting data all along the cropping cycle, which will further be used to predict any unwanted phenomenon to take place in the future.