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Rakshita is a community-empowered platform that enables you to help someone in need.
Perilous situations can happen to anybody, anywhere, requiring emergency rescue assistance and relief operations. Medical Emergencies, Robbery, and Assault being the most time-sensitive mishappenings, need instant response.
The App
We envisioned a community-driven platform where people can just download the app, add a few localities which they regularly frequent: for example where they live or where they work, and receive alerts whenever someone needs urgent attention near those locations.
When someone themselves faces a serious medical emergency like an accident, or they witness other emergencies like robbery or assault they can just tap a button on their phone and an alert will be sent to nearby people based on the location of the person who raised the alert as well as the pre-added emergency contacts, providing them with live location and navigation to the location of the alert, live updates, and position of peers who has accepted the alert.
The app does not track the location of its users in the background unless and until an alert has been raised or accepted. Alerts are purely received based on localities added by the users, like the place where they live or where they work. Although, if the user deliberately wants to see alerts near their current location, the app will contain a live alerts screen, allowing authorities to monitor all the alerts in their city and respond to their nearest alert with live navigation to the victim’s location.

The app will allow everyone to be there when needed, to be the savior of someone's life. To be used to seek immediate help in countless emergencies and potentially save millions of lives per year via the aid of fellow humans.
The ability to seek and get help from people in your proximity anywhere and anytime and to get help for someone else in need from nearby people and authorities by raising an alert for someone else without any hassle.
The ability to prompt an alert on the devices of a person’s added emergency contacts even when their ringer is on silent mode.
Incorporating the very idea behind this application’s concept, there exists air-tight anonymity and privacy features to ensure maximum safety for the victim and the person who might want to help.

Technologies used

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